Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Living On the Moon

Living On The Moon

            Living on the moon would be a great opportunity because you would get to investigate the moon much more. This will help with the exploration of the universe and expand our culture and life. Once we land on the moon, we will be able to send our rockets from the moon. This will help explore Mars because we would use less gas and have enough gas to travel to Mars. Once we move to the moon, it will create a lot of peace on earth because a lot of the humans would be on the moon, which causes less trouble. Our military will have to evolve because we will have to deal with the forces of gravity on the moon. Also more people will have to join the police because there has to be moon police and earth police. These are the reasons why our human race will have to evolve to move to the moon.

            There is a challenge on getting to the moon these are some of the ways we would get there. We could travel to the moon like we always have, using rockets except we would make them much larger and the engine much more powerful. They way we could go back and forth would be by creating an elevator to the moon. It would obviously cost a lot of money to build and be hard to build. It would be the quick way to go back to earth and back to the moon. It would cost money to travel on the elevator but it’s worth it. The people who would first get to go would be the presidents and the leaders of the world. Then the wealthiest people of the world, the people who are poor and or criminals and police officers must stay on earth. These are the options and how we would get to the moon.

            Our civilization would look much different than it would on Earth it would look much more modern and be much more electronic. The civilization on the moon would have billions of roads, and flying cars. The life on the moon would be an easier life because of the advancement in technology. We would have robot maids and be able to teleport to different locations there would be no need for walking. I know that this sounds like something a TV show would say, but I think this is what our life on the moon would actually be like. The only problem with the new technology would be that humans would become much more obese because no one would be walking, or going for a jog.

            A challenge on the moon would be that we would have almost no oxygen, unless you had a space suit and an unlimited supply of oxygen. This is why humanity could build a giant oxygen bubble around the moon; we could live on the moon without the need of space suits. With the oxygen bubble our civilization would live exactly like we did on Earth. There is one issue with this bubble, which is if a whole pops on the bubble. The oxygen-surrounded area would leave the atmosphere of the moon. This would cause us to explode and die wiping out civilization on the moon. We could avoid this by having stand by teams set up around the bubble to watch over and holes.

            A large issue with colonizing the moon would be the issue of resources on the moon. We have limited food and water supply and we would have to grow grass and other plants to create more food. There are a couple options for having an almost infinite amount of resources. When we travel over from earth have a rocket full of different animals and different plants and trees. This way we can stay on the moon and be able to live longer on the Moon. With this amount of food our civilization will stay on the Moon for century’s.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Dimension Theory

The Dimension Transportation Theory

Hypothesis: That if a human began to move at the speed of light then they will be able to transport through dimensions. There are 20 main dimensions to transport through and thousands of smaller dimensions. Each dimension carry’s something different than another dimension. To travel through dimensions you must travel counter clockwise if not you might cause a rip in time and space.

Facts: That there has to be other groups of people that live among us that might be more or less advanced than our society. Maybe even a dimension that is full of peace or a dimension were the atom bomb was never dropped on Japan. There are thousands of options of different dimensions, it would be a great discovery to learn from more advanced species than ours or even finding another world or dimension than ours.

This is what the Dimension circle looks
like.                            Except there are thousands of circles around it that replicate what a dimension is travelling clockwise around the circle scouring all the dimensions.

Here is the main plot around it there are thousands of dimensions around the dimension circle. To travel around each dimension you must travel at light speed through a open area.

This is a theory called the dimension theory by: Atomslog blog

Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Theory Of Solar Atmosphere

The Theory Of Solar Atmosphere

That A sun can be small enough to carry its own atmosphere. It must have at least one planet to maintain a atmosphere.

The sun's diameter is 865 400 miles and it carry's a 11 planet atmosphere. So the smallest a sun can be is 108 175 and the planet is 1.375 percent.
5.5 planets= a 432 700 mile diameter
2.75 planets= a 216350 mile diameter
1.375 planets= a 108 175 mile diameter a final result

- A Theory By: The Science Guy (Founder of atomsblog)

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

A Solar Flare

A solar flare is a burst of heat that comes out of the sun. This happens when to much heat builds up in the sun and shoots off a flare in the sun. It is a very cool and interesting thing to see and I wish I could see one.

Friday, 22 June 2012

The Expanding Universe

The Universe:

From the start of the big bang everything in the whole universe has changed, from molecules to planets everything expands. Especially the universe, it always gets larger and expands with more things being made every second.

The Periodic Table Of Elements

The periodic table is a tablet of elements created to organize science and functions. Each one has a atomic number and there name. This tablet was used to organize all the elements in our world and the data needed to learn of all the elements. The most known element is hydrogen


In 1789, Antoine Lavoisier published a list of 33 chemical elements. Although Lavoisier grouped the elements into gases, metals, nonmetals, and earths, chemists spent the following century searching for a more precise classification scheme. In 1829, Johanna Wolfgang observed that many of the elements could be grouped into triads based on their chemical properties.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

The Science Guy Quote

Science can be high. Science Can be low. It can be as small as a atom or as far as the cosmos. But no matter what you will find something to show.

- The Science Guy