Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Dimension Theory

The Dimension Transportation Theory

Hypothesis: That if a human began to move at the speed of light then they will be able to transport through dimensions. There are 20 main dimensions to transport through and thousands of smaller dimensions. Each dimension carry’s something different than another dimension. To travel through dimensions you must travel counter clockwise if not you might cause a rip in time and space.

Facts: That there has to be other groups of people that live among us that might be more or less advanced than our society. Maybe even a dimension that is full of peace or a dimension were the atom bomb was never dropped on Japan. There are thousands of options of different dimensions, it would be a great discovery to learn from more advanced species than ours or even finding another world or dimension than ours.

This is what the Dimension circle looks
like.                            Except there are thousands of circles around it that replicate what a dimension is travelling clockwise around the circle scouring all the dimensions.

Here is the main plot around it there are thousands of dimensions around the dimension circle. To travel around each dimension you must travel at light speed through a open area.

This is a theory called the dimension theory by: Atomslog blog